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If you are the driver of a large truck, you have an increased responsibility to ensure that your tires meet the standards of the Compliance, Safety, Accountability Program (CSA). If the tire safety guidelines are not adequately followed, it could mean that a tire deflates rapidly while the vehicle is driving at considerable speeds. An incident like this is often fatal. The following is some advice on how to comply with tire regulations and keep safety as a top priority.

Always inspect tires before driving

A tire could have been affected by an external factor while it was parked or on the previous journey. Therefore, before you get into your vehicle you should always inspect your tires for any wear and tear. You should observe the pressure, and see if the tread depths are adequate.

Invest in high quality, safety-first tires

When driving a truck or other large vehicle, wide-base single tires are often considered the best and safest option. This means that there are fewer tires and fewer opportunities for damage. Wide-base singles have fewer inflation problems than dual tires and require less maintenance overall.

Make sure to renew training often

If you work for a company, they have the responsibility to provide you with frequent training and to always maintain your skills, especially when it comes to safety.

Maintaining good safety practices can help prevent crashes and ultimately saves lives. Both you as a truck driver and your company have certain responsibilities for safety, and it is important to know for what you are liable in the event of an accident.

Source: Michelin Truck, “Tire Maintenance & CSA,” accessed Nov. 17, 2017

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