San Rafael Accident Map

When you get in your car to go for a drive, you expect to arrive safely at your destination without a hitch. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Accidents occur everyday all around us. In fact, over 4,500 car accidents have occured in San Rafael over the past five years. San Rafael is not even close to being the most dangerous city for Californians to drive in. However, it’s still important for drivers to commute with caution and be aware of more troublesome intersections throughout the city.

San rafael Street screenshot.

Goal Of The Accident Map

The purpose of the San Rafael accident map is to visually illustrate the dangers of driving in San Rafael and highlight areas of the city’s road infrastructure that may need attention. Afterall, in order to reduce road accidents, it’s important to first understand where and why they’re occurring.  The accident map is updated on an annual basis to reflect the changing road safety trends. The map currently contains accident data for the past five years.

How To Interact With With The Map

To navigate the map, use your finger or mouse to zoom and scroll around the city. Accident data is color coded to differentiate accidents by year. You can use the legend to the right to filter data by year and view the top 10 most dangerous intersections.

most dangerous intersections in san rafael (5 year totals)​

IntersectionTotal Number of Accidents
2nd St. & Irwin St.39
Manuel T Freitas Pkwy. & Del Presidio Blvd.34
Hetherton St. & 3rd St.30
2nd St. & Grand Ave.28
3rd St. & Grand Ave.26
2nd St. & Lincoln Ave.25
Francisco Blvd. & Bellam Blvd.23
Mission Ave. & Lincoln Ave.22
2nd St. & A St.22
2nd St. & D St.21

most dangerous intersections in san rafael 2017

IntersectionTotal Number of Accidents In 2017
Manuel T Freitas Pkwy. & Del Presidio Blvd.11
Mission Ave. & Irwin St.9
2nd St. & Irwin St.8
3rd St. & Grand Ave.7
Hetherton St. & 3rd St.7
3rd St. & Lincoln Ave.6
2nd St. & Lincoln Ave.6
Bellam Blvd. & Andersen Dr.6
5th Ave. & Hetherton St.6
2nd St. & A St.5

Manuel T Freitas Pkwy. & Del Presidio Blvd. | 11 Accidents

The intersection of Manuel T Freitas Parkway and Del Presidio Boulevard lies on the northern end of the city. The intersection is home to an off and on-ramp for Redwood Highway and receives a significant amount of traffic on a daily basis. A total of 11 accidents occured at the intersection in 2017.

Mission Ave. & Irwin St. | 9 Accidents

Like the intersection of Manuel T Freitas Parkway and Del Presidio Boulevard, the intersection of Mission Avenue and Irwin Street also lies just off of Redwood Highway. The junction is home to an on-ramp for the highway with a total of nine accidents occuring at the location in 2017.

2nd St. & Irwin St. | 8 Accidents

Just four blocks south of Mission Avenue and Irwin Street sits 2nd Street and Irwin. The intersection houses an off-ramp for Redwood Highway and was home to eight accidents in 2017.

3rd St. & Grand Ave. | 7 Accidents

The crossroads of 3rd St. & Grand Ave. is just a two minute drive from 2nd & Irwin. A total of seven accidents occured at the junction, making the intersection the fourth most dangerous intersection in 2017.

Hetherton St. & 3rd St. | 7 Accidents​

Three of the most dangerous intersections fall on 3rd Street and Hetherton & 3rd is one of those intersections. Hetherton & 3rd is just two blocks west of 3rd & Grand, which is the fourth most dangerous intersection. A total of seven crashes occurred at Hetherton & 3rd in 2017.

3rd St. & Lincoln Ave. | 6 Accidents

Yet another intersection to fall on 3rd Street, 3rd Street & Lincoln Avenue ranked as the sixth most dangerous intersection in San Rafael. A total of six accidents occured at the junction in 2017.

2nd St. & Lincoln Ave. | 6 Accidents

Just a block south of the sixth most dangerous intersection lies 2nd Street & Lincoln Avenue, which ranks as the seventh most dangerous intersection. Six accidents also occured at 2nd Street & Lincoln Avenue.

2nd St. & Lincoln Ave. | 6 Accidents

Yet another intersection to fall on 3rd Street, 3rd Street & Lincoln Avenue ranked as the sixth most dangerous intersection in San Rafael. A total of six accidents occured at the junction in 2017.

Bellam Blvd. & Andersen Dr. | 6 Accidents

The intersection of Bellam Boulevard and Andersen Drive is located on the southeast side of the city near the Marin Square Shopping Center. The intersection ranked as the eighth most dangerous intersection with six accidents.

5th Ave. & Hetherton St. | 6 Accidents

A majority of the city’s most dangerous intersections fall within a five mile radius of Exit 452 to San Rafael. The intersection of 5th Avenue & Hetherton Street would fall within that radius just a block south of the southbound highway off-ramp. The intersection was home to six accidents in 2017.

2nd St. & A St. | 5 Accidents

The crossroads of 2nd Street and A Street falls in the heart of downtown San Rafael. A total of five accidents occured at the junction in 2017.

The Importance Of Vigilance In Accident Prevention

While improving transportation infrastructure is important, the best way for San Rafael residents to reduce road accidents is to practice good defensive driving habits. Drivers are encouraged to:

  • Constantly scan the road ahead and check side/rear view mirrors.
  • Avoid texting or making calls while driving.
  • Increase the distance between you and an aggressive driver.
  • Avoid driving in a driver’s blind spots.
  • Maintain a calm/positive attitude while behind the wheel.

Building excellent defensive driving habits will significantly reduce your risk of ending up in an accident. Driver inattention is believed to play a role in 80% of all vehicle crashes. The more you remain alert and aware behind the wheel, the more likely you are to avoid a potential crash. Vigilance is the key to accident prevention.

Kuvara Law Firm Is Here To Help When An Accident Occurs

If you’ve been injured in a San Rafael car accident, it’s important to seek legal advice. Insurance companies will often use tactics to reduce or deny your claim, which will severely harm your ability to obtain the compensation you deserve for your injuries. An experienced personal injury attorney can investigate your accident and build a strong case to earn you just compensation.

The attorneys at Kuvara Law Firm have spent the last  40 years recovering millions for injured Californians. When you work with Kuvara Law Firm, you don’t have to choose between a fast settlement and a good one. We use cutting-edge technology and sophisticated negotiation techniques to recover excellent settlements faster than any of our competitors.

Contact the attorneys at Kuvara Law Firm to schedule a free initial consultation.

California personal injury attorney Neal Kuvara is the founder of Kuvara Law Firm in San Rafael. Protecting the rights of injured victims for more than 50 years, Neal and his team have provided top-notch legal services to more than 20,000 clients, helping them to recover millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts. His passion for justice and commitment to his clients have earned Neal a reputation as a proven leader in the field of personal injury law in California.

Years of Experience: More than 50 years
California Registration Status: Active
Bar & Court Admissions: California State Bar, U.S. District Court Northern District of California