Personal Injury Attorneys In Walnut Creek
Walnut Creek Office Location
1990 North California Blvd. Suite 830
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Office Hours:
Open 24 Hours
Legal Help For Walnut Creek Accident Victims
Nestled in the East Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area, Walnut Creek has been referred to as the jewel of the East Bay. With nearly 70,000 inhabitants, the city boasts wonderful natural hideaways juxtaposed against a vibrant urban environment. In addition to its sizable population, the city also plays host to tourists and nature lovers alike. While Walnut Creek is unique in many ways, the city, like all other urban areas, has its fair share of accidents.
When an accident does occur, people are often unsure about what to do and who to call. An accident can vary in impact from posing a minor inconvenience or causing a serious life change. If you’ve been in an accident, the Kuvara Law Firm can help ensure that you aren’t left alone to grapple with medical bills, missed income and repair costs. With over 40 years in practice and a team of highly skilled lawyers, we specialize in a variety of specialties.
Practice Areas
Wrongful Death
Death is, of course, the worst outcome of any accident. If you lost a loved one in an accident, there is little closure or consolation. However, if your loved one’s death was due to an error by an individual or corporation, you can get justice.
Car Accidents
If you are in a car accident and the other driver is at fault, that driver, or that driver’s insurance, is liable for the damages to yourself and your vehicle. In most cases, the driver’s insurance would cover the damages. However, insurance companies often do everything in their power to unnecessarily draw out accident investigations when a claim is due to pay only the minimal amount.
Truck Accidents
Trucks are naturally intimidating due to their size and potential for causing damage in a collision. If you have been injured in a collision with a truck, you should be focused on recovery and not your medical bills. This is where hiring a lawyer can help you get peace of mind.
Bicycle Accidents
Walnut Creek offers some amazing bike trails. Unfortunately, Bay Area drivers aren’t always the friendliest when it comes to sharing the road with cyclists. If you’ve been injured in an accident while riding your bike, you may be entitled to compensation.
Bus Accidents
Bus crashes are rare, but a severe bus crash is actually more dangerous than a typical car crash. If you are on a bus during a crash, there is no seatbelt to keep you in place. Worse still, if you are injured in a bus crash, you may not know who to contact when it comes to compensation. Do you call the bus driver? The local government? Or the bus manufacturing company? Kuvara Law can help you get in touch with the right people and get you compensation.
Train Accidents
As with busses, train accidents can leave you at a loss. While train accidents are rare, trains often reach significant speeds which can increase the risk of injury in the event of a crash. Let Kuvara Law Firm deal with who is at fault and what to do next while you focus on your recovery.
Pedestrian Accidents
As a pedestrian, you often have the right of way. Unfortunately, some drivers may be too distracted, or simply rude, to honor the law. Pedestrians are simply not as durable as cars, trucks, or even bicycles which means that they are more likely to sustain serious injuries after an accident. If you are injured as a pedestrian and the other driver is at fault, you have a right to seek compensation for medical expense and missed paychecks.
Motorcycle Accidents
Even more than bicyclists, motorcycle riders are vulnerable to injuries due to the high speeds that they can achieve. On the other hand, some motorcycle riders may ignore the rules of the road simply because they have a smaller vehicle and are able to get away with not following the laws. A high-speed collision will cause more damage and has a higher risk of throwing the rider off the motorcycle. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, Kuvara Law can help you deal with the insurance companies and get you the compensation you deserve.
Boating Accidents
Boat safety is often stressed because boating accidents can be devastating. Not only are boats sizable vehicles, but the water provides an added element of risk.
Airplane Accidents
Despite the fact that many people experience anxiety when flying, airplanes are a relatively safe mode of transportation. However, when airplane accidents do occur, they can often be both terrifying and devastating. However, after the ordeal is over, you will need representation to get the compensation you deserve.
Work Related Accidents
No matter where you work in the US, it is your employer’s responsibility to provide a reasonably safe work environment. If you are injured on the job due to your employer’s negligence, hiring a lawyer is the best way to get compensation from your employer’s insurance.
Product Liability
Purchasing a bad product is disappointing but purchasing a malfunctioning product that causes injury can be devastating. If you have been injured due to a product malfunction, the manufacturer may be legally responsible for your injuries.
Premises Liability
Walnut Creek owners are duty bound to ensure that their premises are safe. If you are injured on someone’s property due to their own negligence, you may be entitled to compensation.
Why Choose Kuvara Law Firm ?
Dealing with injuries is hard and when it comes to accidental injuries, people often don’t know where to turn to for relief. Meanwhile, bills are piling up and stress levels are rising because insurance companies are taking as much time as possible not to pay victims. Kuvara Law Firm takes great pride in fighting for victim’s rights and ensuring a fast and fair settlement in just six to nine months.
If you need help obtaining fair compensation after an injury, Kuvara Law Firm can help
Call 1-800-446-5879 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation.
Local Accident Resources In Walnut Creek
Physical Therapists
301 Lennon Ln #202
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Phone: (925) 934-6373
120 La Casa Via #212
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Phone: (925) 939-8710
2255 Ygnacio Valley Rd
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Phone: (925) 930-6680
1220 Rossmoor Pkwy
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
Phone: (925) 939-1220
1425 S Main St
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone: (925) 295-4000
Repair Shops
2288 N Main St
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone: (925) 979-1739
2040 N Main St #1
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone: (925) 945-0510
1750 Locust St
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone: (925) 476-4255