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california rollover accident attorneys​

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Rollover accidents are the deadliest risk facing sport utility vehicle (suv), minivan and truck occupants.​

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 115,000 rollover accidents are reported each year. Sadly, these accidents caused some 77,000 injuries and cost the lives of more than 3,800 Americans.

Rollover accident victims can suffer the most serious injuries of any auto accidents – from severe head and body injuries to death. If you or a loved one has been part of a rollover accident, contact us today and talk to one of our experienced rollover accident attorneys.

causes of rollover accidents​

Rollover accidents are related to the stability of a vehicle as it turns. That stability is influenced by the car or truck’s center of gravity and the track width (distance between the left and right wheels). A high center of gravity (like that of an SUV) and narrow track can make a vehicle unstable in fast turns or sharp changes of direction – which increases the odds that it will tip over once it skids sideways.

Most fatal four-wheel drive rollover accidents are single-vehicle accidents that occur on weekend nights. The drivers are most commonly men under the age of 25 who are often under the influence of alcohol. In three out of four fatal rollovers, the victims were ejected from the vehicle, indicating they were not wearing a seat-belt.

rollover accident risk rating system​

In 2009, after 38 years of pressure from consumer groups, the Federal Rollover Standards were significantly altered for new vehicles. The change requires passenger vehicles up to 6,000 pounds to withstand three times their weight in a rollover and vehicles weighing from 6,000 to 10,000 pounds to meet half the standard or 1.5 times the weight of the vehicle. Consumer groups were unsuccessful in their petitions to have the NHTSA apply the same standards to all vehicles. It is hoped that testing standards from organizations such as the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) which grants a good rating for vehicles that exceed twice the legal limit will help change automotive standards.

kuvara law firm specialize in rollover accident litigation

If you or someone you know is hurt in a rollover accident, you need an experienced truck accident attorney that specializes in defending the rights of those injured in rollover accidents. Contact Kuvara Law Firm at 1-800-4-INJURY today to schedule a complimentary consultation so we can begin to fight for your right to fair compensation.

At the Kuvara Law Firm, we are dedicated to protecting the rights of the injured. Contact us today for a free consultation.