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The Importance of Seeking Medical Attention After an Accident During COVID-19

The Importance of Seeking Medical Attention After an Accident During COVID 19

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented situation. Though many individuals are staying home as much as they can to prevent the spread of this virus, many others must go to work each day or care for loved ones. Grocery trips and other outings remain necessary. Therefore, motor vehicle accidents are still occurring in California every […]

What Are The Safest Times And Routes To Commute In The Bay Area?

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We have access to dozens of map technologies that will provide us with a route to get us where we need to be. However, while many of these technologies provide us with the fastest route, they may not provide us with the safest route.  Have you ever seen an accident happen on your way to […]

Multi-car crash on Highway 17 causes woman’s death

On Oct. 9 at 6:07 p.m., on Highway 17, a collision occurred that claimed the life of a woman from San Jose. The crash happened nearby The Cats Restaurant & Bar in Los Gatos. It is reported that the actions of a driver who made a sudden lane change on the highway were the cause […]

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